Wednesday, February 21, 2007

First Timer..

today have been an interesting day.. haha.. went to watch ghostrider with amanda.. thanks alot mandy for the wonderful time together watching movie.. haha.. the movie was like super cool and i just love the effects.. Nicholas Cage rocks!! the ending gives me a feeling there'll be a sequel.. looking forward to it..

now this is for the mahjong freaks.. the biggest and best set of tiles u can get when u win is "shi san yao" which consist for the following tiles:
"red chong, qing fa, bai ban, north, east, south, west, 1 and 9 of all the types of corak and a duplicate of anyone of the tiles mentioned above"
today, i witnessed for the first time some accomplished that feat!! my very own godsis, Kia Ing!!
here's a pic for evidence.. congrats to her!! haha.. super lucky...

that's all for today folks.. enjoy life.. *peace*

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